Our vision and mission is to

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The most powerful
APIs built specifically for the Modern Web

Join 2,000+ of the fastest growing Brands using MicroData to scale faster by centralising, analysing, and pushing their data.

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Tools for every stack

Map out your hiring process by stages, attach relevant skills tests, then let the skills do the talking. Shuffle candidates with a simple drag ’n’ drop.


Pre-built Integrations

Map out your hiring process by stages, attach relevant skills tests, then let the skills do the talking. Shuffle candidates with a simple drag ’n’ drop.

The best in the class product for you today!

This is a placeholder for your testimonials and what your client has to say, put them here and make sure its 100% true and meaningful.

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Put candidate screening on autopilot

Set a quality standard with a pass score – automatically reject low-scoring candidates and focus on top talent only. Spotting top talent has never been this easy.

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Streamline your data work for your productivity

Join 2,000+ of the fastest growing Brands using MicroData to scale faster by centralising, analysing, and pushing their data.

Get Started

Data Analysis

Organize your hiring flow visually

Map out your hiring process by stages, attach relevant skills tests, then let the skills do the talking. Shuffle candidates with a simple drag ’n’ drop.

Activity stream

Group video calls

Skills first with talent assessments

Dip into our extensive library of skills assessments. Easily test job-specific technical or soft skills and find the most qualified candidates in half the time.

Public and private chat


Hire faster, fairer, leaner

Everyone on your team can be a hiring pro. Trust a transparent, data-driven process to flush out the best talent – make confident hiring decisions faster.


Things people often ask
about MicroData

Can i trial MicroData before paing?
What AI MicroData use?
Is there any plan for small stores?
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