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Happy Customers


Experienced Developers

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Data Analysis

Organize your hiring flow visually

Map out your hiring process by stages, attach relevant skills tests, then let the skills do the talking. Shuffle candidates with a simple drag ’n’ drop.

Activity stream

Group video calls

Skills first with talent assessments

Dip into our extensive library of skills assessments. Easily test job-specific technical or soft skills and find the most qualified candidates in half the time.

Public and private chat


Hire faster, fairer, leaner

Everyone on your team can be a hiring pro. Trust a transparent, data-driven process to flush out the best talent – make confident hiring decisions faster.


Streamline your data work for your productivity

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Join 2,000+ of the fastest growing Brands using MicroData to scale faster by centralising, analysing, and pushing their data.

Data Analysis

Activity stream

Group video calls


Public and private chat

Data Schedule

Meet our people

Our unique team of world-class researchers, data scientists will help you realise the transformational potential of AI for your business.

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Brooklyn Simmons

CEO & Founder

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Leslie Alexander


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Bessie Cooper

Sales Manager

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Marvin McKinney


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Ronald Richards

Software Engineer

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Connect your tools, close your tabs

Our unique team of world-class researchers, data scientists will help you realise the transformational potential of AI for your business.


Things people often ask
about MicroData

Can i trial MicroData before paing?
What AI MicroData use?
Is there any plan for small stores?
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